More development on this bigger rose painting today... I worked on several adjacent petals in a group, adding more saturated warm and cool reds to the mid-tone region of petals, and lifting out some light areas when the paints are still wet. After this has dried, I flowed in darker mixtures of Alizarin Crimson, French Ultramarine and Winsor Violet wet-in-wet in the shadow areas of each petal to separate the petal shapes from one another.
Hide and Seek II,
Watercolor on Jack Richeson Zoltan Szabo140# Cold Press Paper, 10"h x 14"w, WIP 3
At the end of the day, most petals in the peripheral are at the right color saturation and value as they need to be in the final painting. For the shadow areas with warm reflected light, I used a mixture of Alizarin and Quinacridone Burnt Orange, with a small amount of Winsor Violet to achieve a warmer brownish red. I also started to develop the petal areas near the center of the flower, using mixtures of Scarlet Lake, Permanent Rose and New Gamboge for the glowing reddish orange hue in this region. I lifted the light stamen in the flower center before this orange red color has dried.
Hide and Seek II,
Watercolor on Jack Richeson Zoltan Szabo140# Cold Press Paper, 10"h x 14"w, WIP 4
Arena, this is SO lush and exotic! Love it!!!