
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Aloha (30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge: Day 16)

AlohaWatercolor on Ampersand Aquabord, 6"h x 6"w, 2012 #18

Bid at My DPW Auction (Starting Bid $45)

I had quite a bit of difficulties with this painting -- the reference photo has these juicy dark leaves surrounding the center flower, which is ideal to be treated with wet-into-wet applications to create the movement and out-of-focus effect; the center flower itself is radiant with saturated colors -- reds, oranges and radiant magentas, with beautiful Cobalt Blue shadows. I have painted the image multiple times in my brain before executing it on Aquabord, and came to the realization that getting smooth, saturated soft edge shapes of the flower is not easy, and its almost impossible to create specific soft-edged dark shapes of the background leaves -- to make them very recognizable shapes of leaves, yet not so hard-edged that they are competing for focus with the center flower. I ended up experimenting with dry-brush hatching on the background, which is painstakingly slow, but it did give me the rich, dark, and slightly blurred shapes. I am not sure this is the way I want to go for my next painting on Aquabord -- the adventure and discovery continues and the learning process is the most intriguing... But for now, I think I am ready for a change to paint on my beloved Arches paper again!

You can purchase my 2013 wall and desk calendars here:


  1. I've come over to your blog a couple of times before after seeing your 30 day posts on Leslie's blog. Your paintings are lovely. I admire your technique; I love the intense color in your wet in wet painting. I don't know how you manage to keep up with the challenge with going to school too.
    I'm reminded that I've had a piece of aquaboard somewhere and will find it and try it out.

  2. In a word: stunning.
    Another word: beautiful.
    And one more word: WOW!


Thank you so much for taking time visiting and commenting on my blog! Your feedback and encouragements are things that keep me going with I am feeling down or frustrated... I will try my best to reply to every comment ASAP but sometimes life gets in the way and I am a bit slow in my response. I would like to apologize if that happens...