
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Work in Progress: Two Bird of Paradise Paintings (Jungle Fever Continues...)

I did keep my promise and stayed focused, although this newest progress of "Jungle Fire" does not seem to differ too much from my last update, it did take several hours' more work, mostly in the details -- darkening some shadow shapes, lifting soft highlights, cleaning up edges so that there is not a hard line in between various background shapes...  The paper is gradually getting saturated with pigments and now it's time to start that center flower, something I think I have been subconsciously putting off in the fear of ruining the good progress so far... (Here we go again!...)

Jungle Fire,  Watercolor on Arches 140# Cold Press Paper , 8"h x 10"w, WIP 3

Instead I started the background of another bird of paradise painting. This time, I've kept my initial washes very light and watery, and focused on practicing wet-on-dry applications. The background it actually not painted all at once. Whenever I had to stop, I softened the hard edge after the entire painted shape had dried. When I restart at the adjacent shape, I wet the previously painted shape with clear water and paint with light wash up to the boundary. I am pretty happy with the seamless results. This one looks a bit more airy comparing to "Jungle Fire", which is the effect I am after. We'll see how it goes from here...

 Watercolor on Arches 140# Cold Press Paper , 6"h x 6"w, WIP 1


  1. The intensity in the first piece shown is brilliant but I must admit that I love the softer look of the second piece. My kind of watercolor!!

    Also, thank you so much for your email and your comment on the PLD/PKD issue. I think your words more than anything else has settled me down on this one. Now, to tell my kids.

  2. Wow these paintings are going to be absolutely stunning and thank you for sharing the process with us, so interesting!

  3. I know you will achieve a brilliant painting with both of these, Arena.

  4. Love the way your design created cross angles. I cannot wait to see it finished. I know it will be gorgeous.

  5. You impress me so much with your dedication and patience. It is certainly paying off Arena!! Such beautiful juicy colors.


Thank you so much for taking time visiting and commenting on my blog! Your feedback and encouragements are things that keep me going with I am feeling down or frustrated... I will try my best to reply to every comment ASAP but sometimes life gets in the way and I am a bit slow in my response. I would like to apologize if that happens...