
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Work in Progress: High Summer Dreams II & Petal Light III (Continued)

Working on two bird of paradise paintings simultaneously... It's interesting to me that the two paper have such drastically different handling qualities, which dictates how I need to work on them... I am glazing patiently on the Arches but try to get both of my color and value relationships correct in any shapes I painted in one go on the Fabriano, and I an intrigued to see if the final results have only slightly different looks, or actually look quite similar with only subtle differences...

High Summer Dreams II, Watercolor on Arches 140# Cold Press Paper, 10"h x 14"w, WIP 2

Petal Light III, 
Watercolor on Fabriano Artistico140# Cold Press Press Paper , 10"h x 14"w, WIP 2


  1. Hello Arena:) I'm sure they both are going to be beautiful. Love the colors already! I'm looking forward to the next step:)

  2. Hi Arena. I'm not sure if it's your handling or the paper, but the Fabriano certainly looks like it more deeply accepts the color.


Thank you so much for taking time visiting and commenting on my blog! Your feedback and encouragements are things that keep me going with I am feeling down or frustrated... I will try my best to reply to every comment ASAP but sometimes life gets in the way and I am a bit slow in my response. I would like to apologize if that happens...