
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Yellow Rose (Finished?...)

I worked more on the yellow rose painting today and (I think...) finished it. I really like how the leaflets beneath the pedals turned out, and I was happy that I took the courage to fix the dark, reflective ring-like structures around the flower due to paint accumulating at the boundary of background washes. I think I've learned a ton doing this painting, and I will keep on experimenting with three smaller versions of it to see which method to paint shadows works best for me...

Yellow Rose,  Watercolor on Lanaquarelle140# Cold Press Paper , 8"h x 8"w, 2012 #13



  1. What a stunning work Arena, this rose is a beautiful piece of art, maybe it took a while to finish, but all worth it!

  2. Great painting. I like the close-up view and the drama of the dark background.


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