
Monday, January 16, 2012

Work in Progress: Yellow Rose (Continued...)

More work on the yellow rose painting today, mostly the background. I wanted to have a blue-orange brown gradation in the background to echo with the warm golden-yellow pedal colors and their purple-blue shadows. The first layer of color I put in the background area is a combination of French Ultramarine, Permanent Rose and a tad bit of Quinacridone Gold. I liked the granulation effects and the variation of colors:

Yellow Rose,  Watercolor on Lanaquarelle140# Cold Press Paper , 8"h x 8"w, WIP 4

After this is dried, I glazed over it with a combination of Quinacridone Gold, Quinacridone Burnt Sienna and Quinacridone Orange, with thicker color application near the bottom of the painting. The third layer is a mix of Lunar Blue and Indanthrene Blue, darker near the top and gradually losing strength toward the bottom. I am not entirely happy with the gradation yet, but it's getting there...

Yellow Rose,  Watercolor on Lanaquarelle140# Cold Press Paper , 8"h x 8"w, WIP 5


  1. I love to see a WIP and I always thing it is very generous of an artist to take the time to share their work in this way. Thank you for this. :) Your rose is beautiful, Arena, detailed, yet not at all overworked.

  2. The background is looking beautifully rich, Arena. When I paint that small a format, I seem to rush to get it done. Your attention to detail - the numerous w/w glazes - are commendable. I will learn from this, thank you!


Thank you so much for taking time visiting and commenting on my blog! Your feedback and encouragements are things that keep me going with I am feeling down or frustrated... I will try my best to reply to every comment ASAP but sometimes life gets in the way and I am a bit slow in my response. I would like to apologize if that happens...