
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Work in Progress: Spring Breeze & Hide and Seek (Almost Done!), plus a New Rose Painting (Another One?!)

The two tulip paintings are getting close to be finished, and I'm making good progress on the rose painting "Hide and Seek" as well. In the first "Spring Breeze" painting, I have painted in the dark background with blue green, and purple blue, to contrast with the warm reddish orange of the flower. The flower itself is 70% finished. Only the big pedal in the very front still has not been overpainted. The other pedals may need some touch-up work here and there -- but I feel I'm getting there.

Spring Breeze,  Watercolor on Arches 140# Rough Paper , 7"h x 5"w, WIP 3

In "Spring Breeze II", only the flower in the center of focus is left unpainted. I finished the background foliage section by section, all wet in wet. For some reason, it is very difficult to get the color look right on the computer screen for this one -- I gave up after an hour's frustrated trial. still feeling the flowers appear too warm, while the foliage look way to blue. Maybe it is time to invest in a new camera...

Spring Breeze II,  Watercolor on Arches 140# Rough Paper , 7"h x 5"w, WIP 4

"Hide and Seek" is slowly progressing -- pedal by pedal. I like the color appearance of this painting and am thinking of painting a larger version of it. 

Hide and Seek,  Watercolor on Fabriano Artistico 140# Cold Press Paper , 5"h x 7"w, WIP 5

I am thinking about doing a rose series for the month of February, from the first of the month till Valentine's Day. So I started another one -- well, this one is yellow therefore not exactly fit the theme, but I like the pattern of shadows created bu the stamens on its pedal, so I want to give it a try -- and, painting shadows on yellow flowers is always a challenge, so I would like to have more exercises on the subject. I started this painting by painting in the shadow shapes -- the warmer ones with reddish purple, and cooler ones with bluish purple, mixed from Cobalt Blue and Winsor Violet. When overpainted with yellows, I hope they would appear to be orange brownish and greenish, respectively. We'll see how it works...

Sun Dance,  Watercolor on Arches 140# Cold Press Paper , 8"h x 8"w, WIP 1


  1. Arena, WHAT a feast for the eyes!!! The dark reds you have achieved in Spring Breeze are divine, and I can hardly wait to see what is the final result of Hide and Seek. Bravo!


Thank you so much for taking time visiting and commenting on my blog! Your feedback and encouragements are things that keep me going with I am feeling down or frustrated... I will try my best to reply to every comment ASAP but sometimes life gets in the way and I am a bit slow in my response. I would like to apologize if that happens...